Trustee School Seminar
“Trustee School"
Legal Issues Affecting the Corporate Fiduciary
Friday, May 4th - By Invitation Only
8:00am - 3:30pm
Registration and breakfast begin at 8:00am
The Racquet Club of Philadelphia
215 South 16th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Hosted by Begley Law Group attorneys Tom Begley Jr., Esq. and Ethan Ordog, Esq. Trustee School will feature a day full of presentations from experts in the areas of Social Security, Medicaid, special needs, and settlement trusts. This is a unique opportunity to learn, discuss and debate important topics in a small classroom setting and receive CLE credits.
5 Hours of CLE Credits are available for the entire seminar.
Breakfast and lunch are included.
Space is limited.
Please RSVP by midnight April 20, 2018.
Call toll free 800.533.7227 or fill out the form below to make reservations for the Trustee School Seminar by April 20th using the form below. (Note: each person attending must register separately.)