by Thomas D. Begley, Jr., Esquire, CELA [Here are links to Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 4] Features of a Special Needs Trust Enriches Our Child’s Life. By establishing the Special Needs Trust, the funds in the trust can be used to enrich the child’s life while at the same time maintaining important…
What Is Medicaid Planning?
Medicaid planning involves thinking about how to qualify for Medicaid benefits, with an eye towards preserving a family’s wealth. Long term care is a major expense for many after their retirement years. Indeed, according to recent studies, about 43 percent of people will need long-term care at some point in their lives. The cost of…
At What Age Should I Consider Long Term Care Planning?
While everyone’s situation is different, in general, once you reach 50, you should start to think about long term care planning. According to recent studies, approximately 43 percent of all people will need long-term care at some point in their lives. The cost of this care in New Jersey and Pennsylvania is high, and rising…
What Should I Look for When Hiring A NJ Estate Planning Attorney?
There is quite a bit of misinformation when it comes to estate planning. One of the most common misconceptions is that meeting with an estate planning lawyer is something that can wait until you’ve reached retirement. If you wonder whether you need estate planning services, chances are it’s time to meet with a New Jersey…